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Sample code review session outline

  1. Preparation

    • Reviewers familiarize themselves with the code changes before the meeting.
    • The author of the code provides context and objectives of the changes.
  2. Overview by Author

    • Brief presentation by the author explaining the main changes, the rationale behind them, and any specific areas where feedback is sought.
  3. Walkthrough of Code Changes

    • Go through the code changes file by file or feature by feature.
    • The author can highlight key areas and explain the logic or approach used.
  4. Review and Discussion

    • Reviewers provide feedback on various aspects such as design, coding standards, potential bugs, optimization opportunities, and readability.
    • Discussion of alternative approaches or solutions where applicable.
    • If the team is large, consider focusing on more significant issues to keep the session efficient.
  5. Action Items

    • Compile a list of action items and areas for improvement identified during the review.
    • Assign responsibilities for addressing each item.
  6. Wrap-up and Follow-up

    • Summarize the session and thank participants for their contributions.
    • Schedule any necessary follow-up meetings or reviews for major revisions.
  7. Post-Session

    • The author addresses the feedback and makes necessary changes.
    • Optional: A follow-up review for major changes.

This structure ensures a thorough, collaborative, and productive code review session.


Last update: December 5, 2023